I'm presenting the USANAWatchDog's "Special Thanks" award to Gregg Gies for all his hard work that he put into every edition of the Comparative Guide since 1999. Gregg was responsible for the research, editing, and layout for every edition of the book. Gregg was also co-owner of NutriSearch.
So why does Lyle Macwilliam get all the credit while nobody has ever heard of Gregg whenever the Comparative Guides are mentioned? Could it be because Gregg was also a USANA distributor (ID# 285320)? Gregg joined USANA before the first edition of the book came out. NutriSearch told me he joined before USANA had the preferred customer program and had to join as a distributor and only wanted the product. However, Gregg was a ranked associate and therefore had received commission through the business opportunity. Does the term "conflict of interest" ring a bell?
Interestingly enough, the following quote comes out of the Comparative Guides:
"The research, development, and findings are the sole creative effort of the author and NutriSearch Corporation, neither of whom is associated with any manufacturer or product represented in this guide."
I have written about this in much greater detail on a previous blog entry titled "USANA and the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements - A Symbiotic Relationship"